Sacred Solar Eclipse Ritual for the New Moon to Align with Your Dreams

Today, we are graced with the powerful alignment of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, a rare cosmic dance that offers a profound opportunity for transformation and new beginnings. The sky above mirrors the potential within—an invitation to step into the unknown, to release what no longer serves, and to plant seeds for the dreams we wish to bring to life.

Spiritually, solar eclipses are potent gateways—times when the light of the sun is momentarily shadowed, allowing us to see with new clarity. It is a moment to pause, reflect, and ask ourselves, "What is truly next for me?" and "What does my Soul long to birth in this new cycle?"

I’ve created a sacred New Moon & Solar Eclipse Ritual to help you align with these energies and prepare for the journey ahead. This practice will guide you through grounding, reflection, and releasing your dreams to the universe.

Take time today to connect with your higher self, allow clarity to flow, and trust in the divine timing of your dreams.. and enjoy the ride✨

Find a quiet space and gently bring yourself into presence. Begin by closing your eyes, allowing your breath to guide you inward. Breathe in for a count of 4, and out for 4—soft, steady breaths, like the rhythm of the ocean’s tide. If you feel called to extend the breath, let your intuition lead the way. Each inhale draws you deeper into the sanctuary within, and with each exhale, the world outside begins to soften, fade.

As you settle into stillness, let yourself simply observe—your breath flowing like a gentle breeze, thoughts rising and falling like clouds drifting by. Be the witness, unattached and peaceful. Rest here for at least 6 minutes, fully present in this moment. A timer may support you in staying grounded here.

When you feel a deep connection to the calm center within, ask your higher self, “What is next for me on this sacred path?” or perhaps, “What will bring me true joy?” Let your heart speak, allowing whatever arises to simply flow—whether a whisper or a vision, trust in the messages that surface.

When the time feels right, open your eyes slowly and turn to your journal. Write with abandon, letting your thoughts, desires, even fears pour onto the page. Do not judge or analyze—simply release. If fears show themselves, acknowledge them but do not linger. Instead, shift your focus toward the desires of your heart, nurturing what lights you up.

Now, as clarity begins to settle within, take a moment to envision your life, not as it is, but as you dream it to be. Imagine it is one year from today—describe in detail how your world has transformed, how it feels to live this reality. Let yourself experience the fullness of your dream now, as though it has already come to fruition. This vision invites your dreams to step forward into the light of your consciousness, guiding your actions and illuminating the paths that unfold before you.

Finally, return to stillness. Place your hands together in prayer, leaving a gentle space between your palms. In this sacred space, imagine your dreams taking form, blossoming within. As you exhale slowly, open your hands like petals of a flower, releasing your dreams to the Universe, trusting in the sacred timing of their unfolding.


With love and moonlight,
Dulce Ruby